Comment on 28.11.23 Game Update Notes ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Hmmm. I could continously heal max damage at the training golem. As a Harrier Rifle Chrono. Though it was stressful and pretty close sometimes. Heal Mantra not for mantra heal but for clone generation was a twist I did not expect. Pretty clone starved.

Aura trait is useless without staff and there are no alternatives. Does Anet really expect us to swap back and forth? Nonsense, I’m not going to lock myself out of my heal skills for nine seconds.

Boons were fine. Regen, prot, alac or quick. All permanently up.

Got the rezz trait up as well. Might as well take Feedback since utilities are kind of free. Soooo…Feedback, MI, Aegis-well whatever it’s called?
