Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year agoI probably would have gotten four because I would have visually saw the answer without knowing the equation.
Comment on The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong 1 year agoI probably would have gotten four because I would have visually saw the answer without knowing the equation. 1 year ago
I bet you would have discovered gravity first if only the apple fell on your head instead of pesky Newton 1 year ago
I don’t think that’s a brag.
Assuming they did what I did, they saw it and went ‘no fucking idea’ and visualised the wheel rotating and counting the rotations seen.
The smart people stuff is the trying to do the radius shit. 1 year ago
Correct, I wouldn’t have tried to apply a math equation, I would mentally roll it and count to get the answer. Nothing impressive about that. 1 year ago
Lots of people saw gravity in action, Newton figured out the equation.