Curious how that customer reacted. Hopefully well.
I used to get Domino’s delivered to me years back. Often in the winter with snow on the ground and it is near zero. I always put my porch light on and waited near the door. The app showed me they were close, so why wouldn’t I? I can’t believe how many drivers thanked me for just doing these things. Many told me they’d often wait 5 minutes after knocking or ringing the doorbell. Like WTF? You know your order is coming. 1 year ago
Angey Driver noises
You have no fucking clue how much I hated these people. And then when they finally do come to the door, they don’t tip and say “hey thanks man I really appreciate you coming out here” NO you DON’T or else you’d TIP! Fuck!
I need a smoke lmao.