Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year agoEhhh that’s kind of a stretch. Blaming all the shit in the middle east on one person or country really ignores the century+ of bullshit western powers enacted on that region
Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year agoEhhh that’s kind of a stretch. Blaming all the shit in the middle east on one person or country really ignores the century+ of bullshit western powers enacted on that region 1 year ago…/henry-kissinger-israel-egypt-s……/why-was-henry-kissinger-hated-arab-…
You are right, that it is not on him alone. But he still played a significant role 1 year ago
Oh yeah, he’s a massive chunk of the reason that almost everything is as fucked today as it is, I just think trying to pick a singular villain to blame any thing this big on ignores the systemic issues spanning decades that enables this