Comment on Two years in a row! 1 year ago
I’ve heard so many mentions of this Spotify wrap thing today and it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of it. I mean, I know I’m out of touch, but why after getting away with never knowing about it for what seems to have been a long time am I suddenly inescapably confronted with it? 1 year ago
They usually do it around the end of November or beginning of December, so a lot of people are just receiving theirs and sharing them now.
It’s one of those things people will talk about for a week and then completely forget about until next time. I honestly think it’s fun to see everybody’s results. 1 year ago
Is there any specific instance where us lemmings are sharing our wrapped lists? I think that would be fun 1 year ago
A week?! I’ve sent a screenshot to my friends, I recieved a couple screenshots. Now it’s over. The whole thing couldn’t have taken more than a couple hours, netto it’s only a couple minutes.