It was well documented that people owned people as slaves but you don’t see slave owners being given the award for common sense nor trusted with anything more than a diced apple.
Wait, are your actually suggesting you are different?
If you read the article, you’d see prove of all educations and backgrounds and origins are capable of forgetting a child in the back seat (routine) or driving into fog (highway hypnosis).
It’s not a populum fallacy, I’m literally sharing studied science on human behavior.
Would you say the doorway effect or frequency illusion or the dunning Kruger effect don’t happen to you either? That you are special? Oh wait I might be onto something with the last one, superdriver… 1 year ago
It’s well documented human behavior, you’re no different.
Here’s an example:…/anyone-could-forget-kids-in… 1 year ago
It was well documented that people owned people as slaves but you don’t see slave owners being given the award for common sense nor trusted with anything more than a diced apple. 1 year ago
Wait, are your actually suggesting you are different?
If you read the article, you’d see prove of all educations and backgrounds and origins are capable of forgetting a child in the back seat (routine) or driving into fog (highway hypnosis).
It’s not a populum fallacy, I’m literally sharing studied science on human behavior.
Would you say the doorway effect or frequency illusion or the dunning Kruger effect don’t happen to you either? That you are special? Oh wait I might be onto something with the last one, superdriver……–Kruger_effect 1 year ago
Nope. But nice little tangent you went off on anyways instead of allowing interaction for an answer from the opposed party.(bad faith arguing)
And You’re a bit late to the party. Durning Kruger effect has since been debunked for a while now. It’s up there in pseudo science with meyers Briggs these days. Although if it were real you’re doing a pretty damned good example of it.