Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked 1 year agoOf course it was.
Do you really think their media team announced a global release for the trailer on official channels a week ago, had it slated for tomorrow at 9am EST, and then intentionally left leaked their own trailer on Twitter in crap format with “Buy BTC” superimposed on it the day before, suddenly scrambling to release the official trailer but leaving media partners high and dry jumping the official date by less than 24 hours?
At a certain point, skepticism of skepticism is also warranted. 1 year ago
It created a buzz, so…. Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them. 1 year ago
GTA makes a killing by parodying conspiracy theory nutjobs, maybe Rockstar can make an NPC character based off of you. 1 year ago
Yawn. Enjoy your game kiddo. 1 year ago
Right, because the first trailer for GTA 6 needed additional buzz…