Comment on Why do it 1 year agoI have a feeling that someone will later make a 4-hour-long video essay calling them out for it
Comment on Why do it 1 year agoI have a feeling that someone will later make a 4-hour-long video essay calling them out for it 1 year ago
Okay this is clearly referencing something. Who is it 1 year ago
Hbomberguy called out Internet Historian for blatant plagiarism. 1 year ago
Internet Historian of all people? Well damn :( 1 year ago
Yeah, I was really disappointed to learn it too. It was blatant – the entire script is ripped from a well-written article about the experience, verbatim except for a few words swapped around. 1 year ago
To his credit, this was the only found bit of plagiarism on his channel. The other channels he calls out are wayyyy worse. But it’s blatant word for word plagiarism.