it’s pretty bold to lie like this when there’s a log of my comments just above yours showing that it didn’t say that. but, go on and show me the quote where i said it “contains plastic”
You literally said: “If you like eating melted plastic”. Are you going to claim that this doesn’t imply that American cheese contains plastic? 1 year ago
i’m not responsible for what you infer. if you misunderstood what i said due to poor language skills or for whatever reason, that’s not my fault.
but i accept this as an admission that you lied. 1 year ago
This might be the boldest attempt at gaslighting I’ve ever seen. Congratulations! 1 year ago
it’s not my first time being gaslit by someone with too much time and not enough sense. really…you did such a terrible job, leaving proof of your lies all over the place. 1 year ago
I can’t believe I followed this bullshit so far down. You both sound like children arguing over whether “if you like eating plastic” means “there is plastic in American cheese”
I’ll clear this up. “If you like eating melted plastic” is a metaphor. It does NOT imply that there is plastic in cheese, and just because the other person took that statement literally, it does not make them a liar. They misunderstood and it could have been cleared up easily by just saying “not literally”, instead of hustling insults and twisting each other’s words.
You both keep pointing out how desperate the other one is to prove their petty point, but neither of you were very eager to move on. I’m sorry to say you have both lost this battle.