Comment on How come new posts to aren't showing up on this end?
vpzom 11 months ago
no idea
I've now enabled debug logging on but I don't see any indication that the latest post there was ever sent to us
Comment on How come new posts to aren't showing up on this end?
vpzom 11 months ago
no idea
I've now enabled debug logging on but I don't see any indication that the latest post there was ever sent to us 11 months ago
Thanks for checking man! I just sent a new post their way.
vpzom 11 months ago
apparently lemmy has a "federation state" api, which does indeed report an issue here: 11 months ago
Hmm. I wonder what the issue is, the error number doesn't seem to be included here.
vpzom 11 months ago
Lemmy 0.19.1's release notes mention "0.19.0 has a critical bug where sending outgoing activities can stop working."
Some affected instances appear to have already updated, but maybe they were on 0.19.0 long enough to have built up a long backoff?