Interesting take. That could also pull it out of the classic conspiracy theory territory canon too. That could be interesting culturally.
Interesting take. That could also pull it out of the classic conspiracy theory territory canon too. That could be interesting culturally. 1 year ago
You could have an American agent sent to a foreign country to work on the X Files with a local agent. They’d act as an audience surrogate allowing for some convenient explanations as to how things work in a society the audience may be unfamiliar with. The American agent could have been shipped abroad as a demotion and is very disinterested and sceptical of the local agents beliefs, essentially acting as the Scully to the local ‘Mulder’. Leaning into the foreigner abroad aspect could further help to enhance the otherworldly nature of the series as the agent grapples with the paranormal alongside unfamiliar beliefs, cultures and governmental/departmental bureaucracy. 1 year ago
This could work. I was going to posit some fan casting, then I realized that literally every actor I was coming up with for the local Mulder was in their 50s or 60s.