Didn’t like The Dark Knight?
I suspect there may have been changes made by the studio for BvS. There was a whole subplot with congress that makes no sense unless there’s a version of the story where congress orders Superman to go after Batman. Something similar to the Dark Knight returns but with a congress controlled by Lex Luthor influencing Supes instead of the President.
As it was, we have a plotline about congress that goes nowhere. I smell a studio exec saying “this plotline is boring, make it about his mother, hey look both Superman and Batman’s mothers are named Martha, we should use that!”
Or maybe Goyer just sucks, who knows? Well I guess the people that worked on these movies and know who’s responsible for the boneheaded decisions.
chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Hollywood isn’t as “elite” as they make themselves out to be. It’s full of “that guy who makes the shitty subway sandwich but shows up on time so they don’t fire him”. Goyer is that guy. He’s probably likable, at least by Hollywood standards, and comes in at or under budget. Hollywood isn’t full of Chris Nolans and Martin Scorseses, there are plenty of Goyers that get work. It just so happens that Goyer is a nerd, and he keeps fucking up the nerd footlongs.