Comment on Fallout's TV series looks pretty good in latest trailer, will release April 11th 9 months ago
Just like with Bethesda games themselves, a trailer is absolutely zero indication of how good the show is really going to be.
With a good trailer you can cherry-pick the best parts and polish even a turd until it shines, but who knows if the show will actually have any real interest or narrative substance.
We’ll simply have to wait and see - and try not to get our hopes up too high :) 9 months ago
Sounds like you’re gonna hate it regardless if it’s amazing or not, so sit it out. I think it looks as good as it should and the games were not masterpieces of storytelling so it’s not a high bar. But that’s never going to please the Fanboys 9 months ago
You’re a bit cuckoo, huh? 9 months ago
No, I’m only saying that I’ve been disappointed enough times that I prefer to wait for the final product to make my decision, and I’ll save the excitement for then.