Comment on Do you guys play old AAA games? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If you include remasters, I’ve been playing Shenmue I, which I think I originally played on my friend’s Dreamcast in about 2001. Think it was one of the most expensive games ever made when it first came out, so I guess that’d make it pretty AAA?

There’s a lot that feels a bit dated in it, like slightly clunky controls, annoyingly long sequences for tiny things (i.e. taking your shoes off every time you go in/out the house), emotionally stunted voiceovers etc - but it also holds up as a good mystery, and such a beautifully realised game world that the clunkiness just becomes sort of joyously nostalgic. I think it’s great.

Also, the creepy little kids that shout “HEY MISTER! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY… soooocccerrrr?” are still hilarious.
