Comment on The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It blows my fucking mind how badly companies mismanage good video game IP.

Either they absolutely saturate the market as fast as they can to the point where any game is just a grain of sand shifting and swirling as the waves of quarterly releases wash against the shore (Call of Duty)

Or they make a good game, but then spend either DECADES milking them (Elder Scrolls, GTA) or they just wait so long that it eventually falls of the cultural radar and the moment to strike is long past (Half Life, Portal)

Like, let creative people do creative things. Let people who are good at making games make games. No your MBA doesn’t mean you should be directing creative decisions.
