Comment on Green search engine Ecosia launches a cross-platform browser 7 months ago
I hope I’m not the only one who finds these endless Chromium forks extremely yawn-inducing. I realize that rolling your own rendering and JavaScript engines from scratch isn’t totally feasible, but Firefox is right there. 7 months ago
Firefox is bleeding users, not gaining them. And I suspect with the latest move towards AI, they will lose even more.
I support the original mission of Firefox, but the browser is just not there to compete, and that is ultimately the only thing that matters for most people. 7 months ago
Have you even used it? 7 months ago
I use it daily, just not as a primary browser. 7 months ago
What’s the problem with the browser? I use FF as my main and Chromium (among others) for work stuff and (aside from edge cases in videcalls) I never saw a difference between any browser.