Brother, people should be allowed to entertain and write down horrific thoughts, especially in a private context, and it not be censored. Policing thought crimes is orders of magnitude more horrific than whatever vile shit someone can put on a page.
Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 9 months ago
“Romance” is such a crap term! She was writing porn. Likely with minors. I’m involved with a lot of authors, some also write porn open-door spice, and the only things that get Google bans (from what I’ve been told) are kiddie porn and extreme gore.
While the dangers of handing your documents to Google can’t be overstated, don’t sympathise too much with this person. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I think we read different articles:
This person was not allowed to SHARE the things written. That’s not a thought crime. 9 months ago
That’s why the classic image of censorship is duct tape over your… brain. 9 months ago
Original Wired article says later in it that Google thought she was spamming. This is relayed through the author though and not Google directly.
And you’re right. She still had all her work, just couldn’t share it. 9 months ago
"Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate. There were no highlighted sections, no indicators of what had rendered her documents unshareable. Had one of her readers flagged the content without discussing it with her first? "
So much of her work could have broken the T&Cs that she can’t identify what it could be without highlights.
Different author, but if that’s the case (and it seems this author shares files to over 80 people in one go) then it’s a spam filter issue? Again, non story.
The headline is a complete lie. 9 months ago
Ah. I can’t pull the original article back up due to a pay wall but I did read it quickly so is possible it was a different author. 9 months ago
You can bypass paywalls by archiving the article. Try