Comment on Report: Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Immediately Killed Wireless Price Competition In U.S. ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I was on t mo’s “top tier” magenta max plan.

Now, you can’t even get very good deals on a trade in phone with that plan because they created something else to phase out magenta max. I think the only benefit over magenta max is like 10GB more hotspot data. 50 instead of 40.

But you need that plan (which of course, is more expensive) if you want the same types of trade in deals you used to get on Max.

Neither which really affects me too much, because I haven’t gotten a phone through a carrier plan in like a decade. My 4 year old current phone isn’t going away any time soon, either. The last descent phone with a micro sd card slot. Note 20 Ultra.
