Is that a good deal anymore? I live in Canada where we typically get dry fucked on cellphone plans. I used to pay $50 for 6 GB, but they keep having deals and I keep switching up my plan. I’m currently paying $35 ($25.50 USD)/mo for 70 GB.
Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago
I’ve been on T-Mobile prepaid since at least 2010. I get 10GB of data off contract for $40/mo. If I use above that it gets throttled, but I never do.
My price still hasn’t gone up. I am certainly waiting for it.
I buy a new handset every few years. Most times I get one from the EU that has the bands I need for local service. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Not sure, tbh. I haven’t shopped around, but because I never go over, I’m fine with it. It may not be a good deal at all but I never see the difference. 8 months ago
That seems like a pretty bad deal actually, you can probably find a better 4g or even 5g plan in the US for that.
Prepaid companies in Canada (who generally have worse pricing than the US because all the cell companies have agreements with each other) have 20-40gb/month for that price (depending on the limited time sales), but not unlimited w/ throttling like you have. 8 months ago
I’m not sure what you mean RE 4g/5g. I just replaced my phone with a 5g handset and get 5g coverage with it. I had 4g with my last handset.
Are you saying the 20-40GB plans have overage charges? I’d rather be throttled if that is the case. 8 months ago
I have unlimited data with 40gb hotspot on tmobile. Not grandfathered into anything either. I believe it’s the max magenta plan 8 months ago
In Canada you have to pay extra for a 5G plan even if you have a 5G phone. And grandfathered plans/plans you’ve been on for a while keep the low speeds.
I had a super cheap prepaid plan with 3g speeds until I switched last month because I was on it for so long.
Prepaid plans here just cut you off data completely unless you turn on the overage charge option and prepay for your overage.
There are monthly plans that doesn’t do overage charges, but they throttle you so much it’s not really useful.