That’s been less true with the last few console generations. You have confusing mid generation upgrades, day one patches, hefty install sizes and other confusing issues. Consoles are not as pick up and play as they used to be or should be.
Comment on Lack Of Interest In The PS5 Pro Is Forcing Scalpers To Sell Them For A Loss 5 weeks agoBecause you can just sit and play. No doubts about if it will work nor performance, no adjustments, no stress of any kind, just play. I like PC gaming, but consoles have their appeal. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Still more than PC tho 5 weeks ago
Oh, 100%. Though with the Steam Deck, I’d argue that consoles advantage is being eroded. 5 weeks ago
That stuff is for the work PC not the Gaming PC. 5 weeks ago
Unreal 5 has not been kind to this argument 5 weeks ago
And, from the other direction, any game on the Nintendo Switch 5 weeks ago
Fair, but that’s not a console problem, they shipped the game in a bad state. (Or, at least, that’s my experience)