Crazy thought, how about parents actually being parents again?
Comment on Roblox will restrict kids under 13 from chatting outside of games 3 months ago
Every other day Roblox comes out and pink promises they are going to ‘do something’ soon to make it safer for children.
Until the government cracks down on them or they loose a massive lawsuit I don’t see it actually happening.
My niece (who had just turned 13) was showing us the recent update changes she was looking at with Roblox and the chat features. If I understood what she was showing me it appeared to be asking her for her phone number to be able to access the chat features within Roblox.
Why would Roblox need the phone number of a 13 year old kid?
We looked at it a few minutes then showed it to her mom and dad who noped right out of that. 3 months ago 3 months ago
The parents should be monitoring their kids’ online activity. The government can’t even balance a budget. You expect them to police a video game? 3 months ago
Well, they seem want to stick their noses in everything else personal/private that is none of their business and doesn’t affect anyone else but the person involved.
Why not something that actually falls in the category of ‘think of the children’ for once? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯