It’s all greed. It’s been a while since this was discussed as far as I know, but wasn’t there talk about making Internet service into a utility and be regulated like the power and water companies? There should be a flat fee and that’s it. None of this tiered or capped bullshit. It’s alllllllll pure insatiable greed.
Comment on Cable ISPs compare data caps to food menus: Don’t make us offer unlimited soup 1 week ago
Fuck that. It costs them nothing to send data through. They are charging people on imaginary shit from subsidized ground lines that we already paid for through taxes. ISPs are as useless as Healthcare Insurers. 1 week ago 1 week ago
a few cents per month per megabit/sec is what their ‘cost’ is to provide the pipe and bandwidth to a subscriber. 1 week ago
No its not because its paid for by the government in most expansion cases. They get to lay pipe for free and charge us for the service. 1 week ago
Well, we recently learned how to deal with health insurers.