Comment on U.S. Workers Are More Worried Than Hopeful About Future AI Use in the Workplace. 3 weeks ago
There will always be jobs. If the industrial revolution didn’t destroy jobs I don’t know what will.
The biggest problem with AI is that companies way overestimate what it can do. It might be able to do a job but it won’t do it well. If it does do a job well that means that the job probably was just busywork to begin with. 3 weeks ago
There will be jobs, but I would argue that there will be significantly less lower level and middle management jobs, meaning it will be harder for lower education workers to find jobs and promotions will be few and far between. 3 weeks ago
I doubt it
Economic disruptive tech isn’t new. Useless low skill jobs will be replaced by more complex jobs that are less soul crushing. Remember back in the day factory work was very bad with terrible labor provided sometimes women and children because they were cheaper. Now we have robots that do most of the work.
AI is replacing all of those simple desk jobs. People like SEO article authors were not doing much anyway. AI can’t replace anything that requires deeper critical thinking, knowledge and experience.