Comment on SpaceX Starship blows up twice in a row. 3 weeks ago
Ah, yes, the SpaceX method of rapid development and iterative design by… testing in production and making debris rain over the Caribbean, disrupting air traffic in the region. I’m done with fanboys calling this method genius. “Oh, it would make the production lines idle for months”. Bullshit. Just make it right. Compare it to the Saturn V, it only needed one test flight to orbit and never had a major failure, and the Saturn V had components welded and drilled by hand, with 60’s tech. 3 weeks ago
I get the criticism but this method obviously works, spaceX is the most successful and profitable launch company because of this iterative design strategy on Falcon 9.
In the not too distant future starship will be successful as well and everyone will move on to reiterating the same complaints to whatever project they work on next that will also succeed. The engineers at SpaceX are modern day magicians, no matter how much you disagree with their method to achieve success