Comment on “Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen 1 week agoI’m not trying to get you to change anything. You can organize your media however you like, I’m mostly just setting up the solution:
The solution that you’re looking for is called filebot ( In filebot you first define how you name your media and what directory structure you’d like to use. You can use it to handle ingesting new media. It will read common naming schemes used on files often shared online and re-name them into your defined directory and filename structure.
In addition, it comes with bindings already setup for the ‘plex’ format (that Kodi and Jellyfin also use) so you can, once you’ve defined a format to match your preferred directory structure, use filebot to hardlink your media library into a different Plex-compatible structure. Since you’re using hardlinks it won’t use any additional disk space.
Then you can keep your media how you always have it, have a powerful tool to handle managing that library (for example, you could define a new format and it can move the files between them) and also hardlink the files in a Plex folder structure which will let you have access to a media player interface.
If you manage any media at scale you should learn how to use filebot in any case, manually organizing a library can be tedious and take a while. Filebot is a lot faster once you learn it. 1 week ago
Oh good, you know what a symlink is.
Now go try and create a symlink on \sharebox\directory\kodifile that points to \sharebox\directory\taintsniffer.avi 1 week ago
Yeah, I’m not sure why you’re being an ass when I’m trying to help you but I’ll leave you to it 1 week ago
Almost like you kept trying to lecture me on solutions that i’ve already said don’t work for me.
When someone tells you no, learn to accept it.