Comment on How do I make myself smarter? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Hang out with folks who are at least nominally more intelligent than you. Never be the most ignorant person in the room, nor the most intelligent / expressive.

That holds pretty true no matter your industry - and if you can identify the actual thought leaders in adjacent biz areas, so much the better.

Read. As much as possible. And then think about it, find the takeaways. The takeaways will be crap at first, but will improve rapidly.

Know your limits, but also know your cheat codes. Use the latter to gain admission to progressively more challenging circles.

There is no one on earth, and no series of events, from whom/which you cannot learn something. It might not be life changing, but it’s still worth searching for the worthwhile content.
