Comment on I’m sick of streaming. Films were better on Blu-ray ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’ll be honest, as someone who never understood the concept of “owning” a movie - that is, why would I need that, at best I’ll have one more time I play it to watch it with someone in particular but then it’s just collecting dust and movies aren’t a collectible of value to me - streaming is exactly right for me:

It offers me a maybe-ephemeral but also near endless ocean of lightweight content to consume. That’s what I need movies or TV shows for, they’re not a central hobby for me, they’re not a big enrichment of my mental state (I got books for that, tbh), so yeah, I fit the target audience. Just put on some shit, and luckily “shit” never runs on any streaming platform.
