Secret best Tolkien game Return To Moria gets Steam release with Steam Deck support and new sandbox mode
Submitted 5 weeks ago by [bot] to
Submitted 5 weeks ago by [bot] to 5 weeks ago
Did this game turn out great?
I was super excited for it and then some very early reviews made it sound like a shitty mobile game. 5 weeks ago
I have been playing it for a while now in Steamdeck. If you are a Tolkien Fan, then it Sure is great, otherwise there definitely are better survival Games Out there. The suspense created by the cave structures and pacing of the changing biomes, where you rly have to Work a significant amount of time to get to the next biomes, combined with the Story sprinkled in between, is a great Combination. 5 weeks ago
Thanks. I’m a “read the silmarillion and didn’t fall asleep” huge Tolkien fan. I’ll check it out! 5 weeks ago
I liked it on release, even if it wasn’t revolutionary. Not a shitty mobile game at all.
I’m curious what they’ve added since, might buy it now