Parents test if school leaders can be prosecuted over failure to report AI nudes.
If you ignore it the problem goes away (Micciche, probably)
Personally I don’t like the “call to action” style of this article. It feels like mostly fear tactics to try and push though bad legislation. It takes time to craft legislation that still protects individual rights. Rushing it because “think of the children” is just bad.
Also children as exposed to online marketing by various companies and it is totally fine. It is also totally fine for companies to collect huge amounts of data and to make software as addictive as possible. This feels like a bigger problem than just AI nudes. 4 months ago
If you are the principal of a school, your highest priority has to be the well-being of students. Looks like he and other members of the school administration sat on this info for months. Problems don’t just go away, especially when your job is explicitly involved with the disciplining and protection of children.