The scourge of “malvertising” is nothing new, but the tactic is still so effective that it’s contributing to the rise of investment scams and the spread of new strains of malware.
This is why I recommend everyone uses Firefox + UBlock Origin
Submitted 3 months ago by to
The scourge of “malvertising” is nothing new, but the tactic is still so effective that it’s contributing to the rise of investment scams and the spread of new strains of malware.
This is why I recommend everyone uses Firefox + UBlock Origin
That’s why using Firefox who’s owned just became an ad company is a security risk. If you like Gecko or don’t like Blink use any Firefox fork instead.
Firefox got bought out? Damn, that’s awful.
Yup. I literally got caught in one last week. Picked what I thought was the top non-sponsored Google result, when looking for concert tickets. Turns out it WAS a sponsored result, proxy-selling the tickets I was looking for at triple price. I got lucky that my bank was willing to dispute and get the charge reversed. 3 months ago
If only there was a way to block ads that wasn’t blacklisted by Google Chrome. This can be added to the long list of things Google did to ruin the internet.