Sonos details how it’s responding to user feedback since its revamp a year ago.
I still can’t skip forward/back 30s on hours long audio tracks. Real fuckin great when Pocket Cast sync is constantly broken and I’m trying to skip to the right spot.
Submitted 1 week ago by to
Sonos details how it’s responding to user feedback since its revamp a year ago.
I still can’t skip forward/back 30s on hours long audio tracks. Real fuckin great when Pocket Cast sync is constantly broken and I’m trying to skip to the right spot. 1 week ago
Never once used sonos and only know they exist because they told many people to get fucked when just forced their planned obsolescence on a speaker because of some stupid firmware garbage…
That said, I googled why they suck and found a plethora of reasons why they suck so bad. Try googling your own company, and reading. .it’s clear, VERY clear why your program and company suck so much.