- Comment on There should be a Callisto Protocol 2, says Dead Space creator Glen Schofield: "we had to cut two and a half bosses" 7 months ago:
Yup, I don’t even dislike Dead Space 3, but I would rank Callisto Protocol far, far, below that game. I finished the entire game and felt like I had simply wasted a colossal amount of time. The story was abysmal, the world building was weak, the gameplay was repetitive sidestep nonsense. I literally see no reason to ever recommend that game to anyone.
- Comment on There should be a Callisto Protocol 2, says Dead Space creator Glen Schofield: "we had to cut two and a half bosses" 7 months ago:
What’s wrong Glen? I thought you said this game was your baby, exactly how you envisioned Dead Space was supposed to be, if you had completely creative control?
Turns out maybe the problem was you, Glen. Because that DDR-inspired wet napkin of a game that was Callisto Protocol, had zero of the appeal that draws people to Dead Space. The DLC was something you should creatively be absolutely ashamed of and made it pretty much impossible to actually continue the story.
- Comment on Remnant, Remnant 2 Now Available on Game Pass 1 year ago:
Yup. Okay-ish solo, but amazing with a friend or two.