- Comment on How one unexpected game (Nier Automata) changed the Steam Deck forever 11 months ago:
Just wanted to drop you a thanks for starting this sub-thread. I also recently finished W3 (after a couple of false starts) and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I know it’s just a step-and-fetch game, but the storytelling has spoiled me for shallower content (plus I suuuuuuuck at aiming a firearm with the joystick so I’ve yet to get into Cyperpunk). Anyway, Nier GOTY is in my catalog so the responses to you have been illuminating.
- Comment on [Game] MONSTER HUNTER RISE adds new DRM that breaks it on Steam Deck 1 year ago:
Refund request time, you mean, right?
- Comment on Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica 1 year ago:
I was in the middle of Witcher 3 when I got my deck, and pausing during a cut scene (and some are feature film length, it fells like) caused the video to go slide-show and the audio to get choppy, and there was no recovering the game. I basically had to go back to the previous save and play back to that point. PITA. Something similar happened in one other game (can’t remember at the moment) and I just gave up suspend unless it was something simple / mindless like Yoku’s Island Express.
- Comment on Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica 1 year ago:
Usually I just suspend in-game to the game’s menu, then hardware-suspend. That’s pretty reliable.
- Comment on Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica 1 year ago:
It would be better if I could boot up and chose my launcher just like I choose Netflix, HBO, or Hulu from my Roku home screen. Of course, that could be accomplished with a custom front end / explorer in Windows, but since MS is pushing more into the OSX “we own the experience” with tons overhead and reduced customizable UI, and none of the other launchers support Linux, it’s pretty much just a pipe dream.
- Comment on Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica 1 year ago:
My experience with suspend has not been good - causing glitching and requiring shutting the game down and reloading from a previous save whenever I suspended in a cut scene. As a result I haven’t used it much due to those first couple of trials; maybe it’s better now.
- Comment on The Steam Deck's budget price tag is the reason I still rate it nearly two years on 1 year ago:
Well I’ll be damned. TBH, I didn’t even know about the refresh - I enjoy mine enough that I’m not really in the market. Also, I snagged a TB ssd for $50 last month and installed it so, aside from the OLED I’m happy where I am. Besides, I’m such a casual I just can’t get bent about that last 5% of black.
- Comment on The Steam Deck's budget price tag is the reason I still rate it nearly two years on 1 year ago:
My only real gripe is that the SSDs aren’t being refreshed as component prices drop. There’s no reason for the entry level not to be 256 now, with 512 mid range and 1TB top end. Retail - and I presume wholesale - prices on the parts have dropped by half or more since the deck was launched. There may be contractual issues involved, but - for Valve - it would make sense to make these machines as self-contained as possible. Yes, you can by a SD card, but at this point you probably shouldn’t have to. And, lets face it, 64GB on a gaming device is pretty limiting. Just start slotting in larger drives as the inventory breaks the previous price floor and inventory is cleared.
- Comment on The Steam Deck's budget price tag is the reason I still rate it nearly two years on 1 year ago:
With our without rice?
- Comment on Does Windows/Big Screen work like the Linux/Gaming Mode? 1 year ago:
Right - so I might (and I say might) give up a couple of creature comforts; I never mess with the power settings, but I do like the suspend in the places that it works. Still, might be worth me not having to fight linux/proton for my fairly extensive non-steam windows library.
- Submitted 1 year ago to steamdeck@sopuli.xyz | 2 comments
- Comment on Valve: don’t expect a faster Steam Deck ‘in the next couple of years’ 1 year ago:
I with you. With the exception of UI scaling and readability of some text, I have almost zero reason to want more than he resolution on the deck. Heck, it’s not even the res. Trying to squint at mini maps, even if the Deck were 4K, wouldn’t really solve the issue. It’s a little screen and unless I’m going to do that weird competitive gamer thing where you put your nose on the screen there’s no value in upping the resolution but still requiring that I resolve better than an arcminute to read it. My gaming PC is hooked to a 55" 4K HDR screen. I play in 1080 and, honestly, don’t notice any gameplay difference at 4K when sitting on my couch less than 10’ away. I don’t know why I would even want FHD on a 7" screen at a comfortable 18" distance.
- Comment on Valve: don’t expect a faster Steam Deck ‘in the next couple of years’ 1 year ago:
Steam Deck ][
- Comment on [Discussion] With the recent rumors of a possible hardware refresh, what are your most hoped for changes in an updated Steam Deck? 1 year ago:
I’ll be honest, I’m still having a problem understanding the draw of HDR. In about 99% of the places I watch…anything…there is ambient light which increases the black floor to a dark gray. I’m already losing the bottom 2-4 bits of depth to the room lighting and screen glare, giving me more fine control of gradients just makes for a slightly more nuanced (but still indistinguishable) dark gray (assuming I don’t readjust my gamma every time I play, or when the train turns and the lighting is now coming from another direction) . The wider color gamut could be nice, but it would require a much, much better screen.
- Comment on [Game] Leaked Patch Notes Confirm Starfield Compatibility with Steam Deck 1 year ago:
For your information, low FPS makes it look “cinematic.” It’s targeted at 24FPS to give you a theater-like experience. 😂
- Comment on GuliKit reveal SNES styled dock for Steam Deck 1 year ago:
So many people are docking their decks. It’s a shame that there aren’t contacts on the bottom for a pogo connection. I wonder if that will be in the next iteration.
- Comment on Why doesn’t the steamdeck hibernate by default? 1 year ago:
It’s worse than storing it in the ideal zone - between 3.6 and 4.0 volts (% means nothing if we’re getting technical as there is an interpretation later in software). Constantly at 4.2 is bad, dropping below 3.0 is very very bad, and going to ~2.7(iirc) is simply murder. I have a telemetry module in a rocket which doors not have a low voltage cut off and every time I’ve left it on at least one cell in the lipo is permanently damaged.
In the telemetry case, it’s designed to run absolutely a long s as possible because the cost of a (interchangeable) battery is small compared to the cost of the rocket and telemetry payload.
I’m not a battery expert, but I’ve left lipos in computers and phones on chargers for years without substantial/excessive deterioration relative to their number of charge/discharge cycles; my experience with the telemetry makes me more wary of full discharge as a cell damage condition (not a direct analog as the deck certainly shuts down before lipo cell death)
—-I should point out that I’m not terribly worried about battery damage - that’s a red herring. I’m just pissed when I grab my deck and its battery is dead and I was hoping to squeeze in a quick game. :-)
- Comment on Why doesn’t the steamdeck hibernate by default? 1 year ago:
Where, if I might ask? I looked under every setting in the UI and couldn’t find it. Is it somewhere in the bowels if desktop mode? I only use the deck as an appliance, like a switch. Maybe it would be better to wipe and install windows?
- Comment on Why doesn’t the steamdeck hibernate by default? 1 year ago:
It’s not really a risk- it stays plugged in all the time…except on the rare occasion when it doesn’t. ;-)
I’m surprised there isn’t some kind of fail-safe that starts a graceful shutdown at 10-20% if it’s been in sleep for >x hours. Taking a LiPo to 0% is terrible for the pack; most devices have some sort of fail safe against this kind of battery stress.
- Comment on Why doesn’t the steamdeck hibernate by default? 1 year ago:
Overnight? Sure.
After 12-24 hours? Certainly it’s not good for the battery to sleep all the way to a dead-flat battery. Why not have it drop into a deeper sleep? My Win laptop goes a month and still has battery (just by walking away and letting it sleep) and wakes instantly (daily use) or a few seconds (weekly+ use). Same with my iPad. Even my Sammy tablet will go for 3+ weeks and still have juice.
It just seems weirdly 1998 era to have it so bad at power management.
- Submitted 1 year ago to steamdeck@sopuli.xyz | 33 comments
- Comment on Whats the most efficient; Using a fully charged SD when plugged into a 20,000 mah battery bank, or depleting the SD battery then plugging into the bank to continue play? 1 year ago:
Recently I’ve seen several of the newer Airbus A321s and 737-800s have charging ports and power outlets standard. A couple of low cost carriers (intentionally) omit them, and it seems like a coin flip on the older 737/319/320s, esp for US domestic flights. I’ve taken a couple transatlantic narrowbody flights recently and TAP and Icelandic both had power at the seat. My biggest pet peeve as that, for many flights, you just don’t know until you actually get to your seat.
- Comment on Whats the most efficient; Using a fully charged SD when plugged into a 20,000 mah battery bank, or depleting the SD battery then plugging into the bank to continue play? 1 year ago:
As a bonus, you won’t be stressing the internal battery. An external is far easier to replace than the internal, so plugging in and bypassing the internal battery will extend its life - especially if at the “end” of play you still have at least 30-40% remaining on the internal.
- Comment on On screen keyboard and mouse - what are your survival tricks? 1 year ago:
Typing my password was what prompted me to ask the question. Looking at my 20 character random password (I don’t have a manager installed on the deck) I decided staring blankly out the window for two hours was preferable to attempting to enter the characters - blindly, since the password box was unmodifyingly hidden behind the pop-up keyboard - and hoping I got them all correct and every keypress actually registered, and only registered once.
- Comment on On screen keyboard and mouse - what are your survival tricks? 1 year ago:
Okay, I feel a little silly for not realizing there was an adjustable threshold on the trackpads - I’ve been avoiding using them because of how touchy they are. (To be fair, I’ve only had my deck for 16 months, lol).
I’m still a bit baffled that the keyboard is so frustrating to use, given how moderately adequate most mobile device keyboards are. I hate to say it, but even MS’s tablet-mode keyboard, as bad as it is, is a substantial upgrade from the deck’s.
- Submitted 1 year ago to steamdeck@sopuli.xyz | 9 comments
- Comment on [help] Is pirated tutorials forbidden here ? 1 year ago:
It just so happens that my congressional representative, Boucher, was responsible for the language added which allows bypassing the restrictions, and there are very few conditions where that is permitted. There is research and there is the clause to preserve Fair Use (and other rights under copyright law), but that does not extend or cover the clause concerning traffiking in decryption software, unless that has been added by legal precedent in case law (that I’m unaware of). If you provide software to decrypt or assist someone in decryption, it violates the DMCA the way it was written. The use of decryption software for research or fair use is permitted, but it’s illegal to supply it.
I recognize that it’s a fine distinction, esp. for ephemeral works. Marijuana is a reasonable analogy in my state: it’s legal (again, in my state) to grow and possess personal amounts, but it is illegal to sell it, or for anyone to sell it to you. Anyone who sells it is violating the law, even if that is the only way you can obtain it. In the case decrypting a file for Fair Use is use (legal); selling is trafficking (providing a decryption algorithm); growing for personal use (also legal) is writing your own software from scratch to decrypt. (this is where the analogy breaks down because it’s legal to sell growing kits, but it’s not legal to sell decryption kits.)
- Comment on [help] Is pirated tutorials forbidden here ? 1 year ago:
They also are not permitted to bypass, enable, or decrypt any part of a content control system - even one as simple as ROT13. In fact, decrypting and format shifting (from cartridge or CD to storage, for example) without explicit permission is actually an infringing act, BUT it is not prohibited in certain special cases (known as “fair use”) and if you are taken to court you can attempt to prove that your use was Fair under one or more of the legal sections dedicated to it. You are still infringing, but it is not illegal and there is no penalty for doing so. That is, as I state above, and very fine point in the law that is fun to argue but ultimately is just a die roll as to whether what you’re doing produces enough smoke to get you targeted by content owners. Because if you get caught, you’re probably going to lose - either directly, or your life savings in legal fees to prove your use was fair, and courts rarely award fees back to the defendant in these cases. (IANAL, but I have done work in performance rights, and worked with an IP lawyer in the business to ensure that everything we did was legal and defensible)
- Comment on [help] Is pirated tutorials forbidden here ? 1 year ago:
That’s a fine distinction, and requires that no decryption or protection is removed as part of the emulation software - which is entirely true for a very nice, neat, theoretical legal argument. It’s like saying Plex is designed for playing your format shifted media and there is nothing illegal about that, or that I arrange copyrighted songs for only for myself and never print them out, only perform them for my personal enjoyment or as part of a blanket license at a venue. All 100% legal, as long as nobody considers reality. I have no problem with any of it, but it’s worth admitting that we’re counting angels on the head of a pin.
(Note: I also run a plex server and I have format shifted my own physical media, of which I have kept the physical media and do not loan them out - as part of my collection).
- Comment on [help] Is pirated tutorials forbidden here ? 1 year ago:
Yes - good correction, thank you.