- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
As a former Floridian, this is definitely triggering my PTSD as they seriously nailed the atmosphere of Vice City (Miami). Curious if they main characters will be as well written as V’s were
- Comment on Let us Unionize even harder 1 year ago:
i jUst DoN’T LIkE aNytHinG wHIcH CreATs KInd of A lorDs aNd pEAsaNts SoRt oF tHinG
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
People here are talking about fishes as our food source but what about fishes as a food source for other aquatic life? Or other animals that feed on those marine life? The effects can be far reaching. So the implication of a fish dying from plastic is a bit complicated than what OP’s making it out to be
- Comment on Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam 1 year ago:
Yeah that’s how developers respond to negative reviews or problems that their players have.
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
For those who are wondering if this picture is real or not, I couldn’t say. But I have seen a fair share of misspellings and bad grammar written on trucks about similar sentiments in Nevada (seeing where the license in the picture belongs to). The take away of this is that usually there is a correlation between education and conspiracies (believing in misinformation), and it’s a very real, serious issue in this country.