- Comment on [Discussion] What kind of protective and carrying cases do you use for your Deck? 11 months ago:
I know it doesn’t help you at the moment, but at some point between June last year and last week they’ve updated the kickstand to include an extra little crossbar up at the top of the metal u shaped piece of metal that makes up the stand so that you need to lose both pins for it to fall off now. (I ordered one last year and ordered a replacement kit for a 2nd steam deck that I’ve gifted to my wife) And I’m liking the look of the new design.
I’ll see if I can take a photo later on and share it to explain as I suspect my words aren’t doing a great job.
- Comment on Dock's for Oled 1 TB version? 1 year ago:
If the extra charger that covers with the official dock doesn’t work to you (fair enough since you mention that portability is key) I backed the jsaux case on Kickstarter and am quite happy with us:…/omnicase-2-storage-docking-station?va…
I got the pro version, but there’s no reason that you can’t get the standard one and it came with a nice little travel pouch, but I don’t know if that covers with the ices you buy directly.