- Comment on Gaming 2024 5 months ago:
(currently scrolling from the throne) Fixed that for you
- Comment on Why install other Linux ISOs on Steam Deck? 10 months ago:
I saw a video recently where a Steam Deck was repurposed as a robotics controller and monitor unit for prototypes. Having an off-the-shelf highly customizations controller for $350 is a steal for this industry, but they’re not using it for games.
(Video for reference: youtu.be/1KEtxTQUzxY)
- Comment on Republicans Keep Taking Credit For Local Broadband Projects Funded By Federal Bills They Voted Against 11 months ago:
Honestly, I don’t think this is a new phenomenon per sé. Politicians being quick to take full credit for good news isn’t groundbreaking (and the masses quick to blame politics for what may be beyond anyone’s control is an interesting parallel)
What’s changed is how brazen, barren, and hollow Trump and MAGA have exposed the GOP to be. Under his guidance they’ve collectively had the finesse of a third grader and this radically exposed how little they’re contributing in terms of policy.
As an example, look at Affordable Care Act. Trump claims to replace it with something better, but after years they’ve produced almost nothing to point to as a substitute, and it’s glaringly obvious to anyone slightly interested.
By contrast, if you roll back to the debates on gay marriage, Republicans threw a ‘separate but equal’ token civil union around, which had enough meat on the bone to fuel a discussion.
- Comment on My deck is stuck on the boot screen after a factory reset 1 year ago:
You can power the device off by holding power for 12. (I always do 30s when hard booting any device, just to be sure)
You can get into recovery mode by powering on holding volume up while pressing the power button. You’re welcome to look around, but I don’t think you’ll be able to fix it from here alone, but at least this way you’ll know the hardware is functioning fine.
Others might have a few things to try next, but if all else fails, these instructions could help install a fresh copy of SteamOS: help.steampowered.com/en/…/1B71-EDF2-EB6D-2BB3