- Comment on Doom: The Dark Ages Dropped Multiplayer In Favor Of Doomslayer's Cyber Dragon And Giant Mecha 1 month ago:
Good on them. Not that the last two DOOM titles have been short of excellent, in my opinion, but I’d rather lose the multiplayer if it means I get more of what makes DOOM, DOOM, an army of demons to slay and all the pretty toys to do it with.
- Comment on Starlink broadband attracting residents to remote West Virginia - West Virginia Explorer 2 months ago:
I’ve gotten to see it happen first hand. As of 2008, the last mines in operation in a certain part of Virginia closed up shop. It was the towns lifeblood, and the place was already on the poor side.
I saw families who lost their livelihoods. Was almost one of them, lucked out that my dad knew how to do other things. Wasn’t that way for the kids who went to college for electrical engineering, went into the mines, and suddenly had nowhere else.
In the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere, lived some of the most ass backwards but intelligent people I’ve ever met. I can point out the graves of the ones who got hit the hardest, and decided there wasn’t an up. I can remember exactly how old they were. We went to school together.
I don’t agree with mining, it’s destructive, the effects of mining and burning coal are terrible, but it kills me to remember how it all went down. We did the right thing, but in the worst way possible.
- Comment on Starlink broadband attracting residents to remote West Virginia - West Virginia Explorer 2 months ago:
You can find a heartbreaking amount of stories just like that across that entire stretch of the country. Towns that thrived off coal, but have since all but collapsed into poverty. People who struggle to find new lines of work, because they never knew anything different. People quietly dying, fighting to get help with the damage done to their lungs.
- Comment on Zynga owes IBM $45M after using 1980s patented technology for hit games 5 months ago:
They update the graphics, make the monetization more aggressive, and I think crypto got involved at some point, but the gameplay stays the exact same.
- Comment on Zynga owes IBM $45M after using 1980s patented technology for hit games 5 months ago:
Mobile market.
Think they’re up to like Farmville 4 at this point.
- Comment on Game Informer is shutting down 7 months ago:
Shit, I thought they had already gone by now, or at least the paper mag had. It honestly surprises me, I can’t remember the last time I saw someone reading one of those things.
Sad to see them go, though. Lotta happy memories of my friends and I all bringing in the different gaming mags we subscribed to, swapping out to see who reviewed what or who had the better swimsuit issues that year.
- Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago:
You would be surprised at how much shit falls through the cracks.
Something doesn’t get filed in the right place, a system fucks up somewhere, someone just fails to send the right email. It’s not worth the time and effort for most companies to keep that strict of an eye.
But I am curious if there’s going to be any ramifications when/if it gets found, outside of the ass chewing in-office and a cancellation of the line.
- Comment on Fine. Just combine your powers without me. 1 year ago:
I swear he did something to a guys mind to basically make himself “invisible” by compelling the enemy to not see him as he broke into their base.
Not a showy use, but still kinda clever and stupid.
- Comment on Fine. Just combine your powers without me. 1 year ago:
It was 90s Marvel. Each issue stank of desperation and cocaine, and it still only got 12 issues.
ROM got better treatment.
- Comment on Fine. Just combine your powers without me. 1 year ago:
Do you have a magic ring that amplifies your desire to compel others?
… Shit, now I don’t know if Ma-Ti needs to wield it, or throw it into the fires of Mordor.
- Comment on Fine. Just combine your powers without me. 1 year ago:
Heart, while a terribly defined power, was shown to be able to influence animals to do your bidding in a comic.
This motherfucker coulda been rollin’ up on a tide of goddamn bears to these engagements. Shit yeah, gimme that ring, I’m headin’ to the closest zoo.
- Comment on Whats your favorite Main Menu music? 1 year ago:
Kingdom Hearts main menu theme. It’s absolutely a nostalgia hit for me. That game was one of my “get-away” games while in a rough situation. Hearing that music always makes me feel a little safer, like I’m just one step away from a completely different life.
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress- Adventure Mode Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
You can get it on Windows, runs just fine.
At least, I didn’t have to jump through any hoops to get it running on my machine, outside of deciding which tileset I wanted to go with.
- Comment on ♫♪♫♪ The Day My Waymo Said Goodbye ♫♪♫♪ 1 year ago:
“And the last words I heard
Were you can’t put food on the table
While livin’ out this fable,
Makin’ that guitar sing
Ain’t replacin’ this rotten O-ring…”