- Comment on Spotify launches a new Basic streaming plan in the US 8 months ago:
Agreed. And they may have Tidal outclassed for the student bundle if you like the TV streaming services it comes with, but it’s not like college students have time for TV anyways. I just like to listen to music while studying for a test, for the same $5.99 / mo (within $1 of each other anyways) I’ll take lossless audio over a TV service I’ll never use.
- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
Native English speaker here, I don’t have a clue what a “cold camera shoe” means either…
- Comment on Unrelated question: does anyone want to check out a compound in the woods with me? 1 year ago:
Sadly, this business model is already in use… Could try to compete though, but idk how big the market is…
- Comment on Helicopters are okay. 1 year ago:
- Comment on De omnibus dubitandum 1 year ago:
Non cogito, ergo non sum.
- Comment on What’s next for the Steam Deck? 1 year ago:
I know absolutely nothing about Steam Deck, but it seems like games made for mobile gaming might have potential. COD Mobile comes to mind. That paired with better graphics, more power, and a controller-like interface, with cross-platform between the deck and mobile like Minecraft did with the bedrock edition seems like an idea…