- Comment on Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say 8 months ago:
So does writing down a card number or writing a check or even the dreaded IOU. Double also, if things break like they did on Friday, ways to get cash(ATM, tellers at a bank) will also be impacted as well as the things that you might spend cash on (gas pumps, cash registers etc).
I dont think that cashless needs to exist and having paper currency is useful in a lot of cases but in 2024 the idea that cash is the solution to much of anything is a little silly.
- Comment on Admiral Grace Hopper’s landmark lecture is found, but the NSA won’t release it 8 months ago:
This is such a tragedy. And magnetic tape from that era may or may not hold up long enough before someone finally gets around to having them digitized.
- Comment on These Video Doorbells Have Terrible Security. Amazon Sells Them Anyway. - Consumer Reports 1 year ago:
Well they own Ring doorbells too, which allowed for warrantless police access and also nearly burned peoples houses down so why would you be surprised about these?
- Comment on AI-generated articles prompt Wikipedia to downgrade CNET’s reliability rating 1 year ago:
Anyone who has visited CNET in the last 10 years would also have downgraded it AI notwithstanding.
- Comment on Same SD card for SteamOS and Windows-To-Go? 1 year ago:
Ok I got ya now. So are you wanting Windows and Steam OS on the same Sd card as well as steam OS on the internal hard drive?
- Comment on Same SD card for SteamOS and Windows-To-Go? 1 year ago:
I don’t know about SteamOS specifically but you can dual boot windows and Linux on the same drive. Each can exist on their own. The partition will still show up in windows but you can ignore it and it won’t do anything. The problem is Windows and GRUB for Linux. Windows has a bad habit of just bulldozing GRUB and making Linux unbootable.