- Comment on [Help] Game hours in offline mode are not added to the library when you have internet access. 5 months ago:
Last I checked offline hours didn’t count either, yeah. I’m not sure if anything is supposed to have changed in the meantime, as it’s been a while.
- Comment on Bazzite as an alternative to SteamOS? 11 months ago:
FWIW I’ve been daily driving Bazzite on the deck for several months and it’s been smooth sailing, no complaints here. You’d think it’s stock if I just handed it to you with no context. I did it mostly because I could tbh, but I love the extra functionality!
That all said, last I checked it wasn’t fully functional on the OLED model. Not sure that’s changed.
- Comment on Steam deck, Automount Network Share Library in Gamemode 1 year ago:
That’s totally valid, just wanted to share my two cents, having messed with a fair bit of systemd. At any rate, congrats, that’s a win for sure! :)
- Comment on Multitouch on touch pads? 1 year ago:
I’ve always been under the impression they don’t support multi touch at all, I guess your findings corroborate that. Niche as your use case is, I do love the idea though!
- Comment on Steam deck, Automount Network Share Library in Gamemode 1 year ago:
It sounds to me the target you’d want here is, going by the info here
- Comment on According to Dexerto Ayaneo next handheld is going to use SteamOS 1 year ago:
Ah, it seems they’ve added Nix on 3.5, that’s quite nice! At the very least I love using Home Manager to basically setup everything CLI and more. Overengineered dotfiles with extra bells and whistles, if you will!
My past experiences with actually daily driving NixOS hadn’t been too great either so I hear you there. I don’t use it on my desktop rn because my setup is regrettably too tied to Windows atm but I sure love the thing.
- Comment on According to Dexerto Ayaneo next handheld is going to use SteamOS 1 year ago:
Honestly, the short answer is because I think it’s cool and because I can haha.
The long answer is because several features I appreciate would be either impossible or extremely painful to pull off on the stock OS. In no particular order, off the top of my head:
- I like the idea of having a fedora based OS that’s stable but still as close to bleeding edge as it gets when it comes to the kernel, mesa and whatnot while retaining the steam niceties and getting easy rollbacks on top
- Easier to customize, I have my own fork with a couple of tweaks on top of mainline Bazzite
- Trying out new desktop environments comes as easy as rebasing to another image
- Btrfs with compression and deduplication on by default does wonders for space savings on proton prefixes
- It optionally installs Nix and it’s my preferred package manager (and OS!)
For a more practical example on why I appreciate the more recent packages, I remember getting that new mesa release with considerably smaller shader caches months ago, I’m not even sure vanilla Steam OS already has it.
With all that said, it really does mostly boil down to my just feeling like tinkering a little anyway. There are cool advantages but they’re pretty niche at the end of the day, I’m just the kind of nerd who loves experimenting. Hell, I’m considering test driving NixOS for the heck of it.
- Comment on According to Dexerto Ayaneo next handheld is going to use SteamOS 1 year ago:
Totally fair. On the updates, it’s a fedora based rolling release of sorts so you get kernel updates way earlier and steam updates just as regularly as vanilla on top, pretty sure it follows the preview branch. I remember back when I installed it I had the new color vibrancy slider months before 3.5 hit and the new mesa with smaller shader cache sizes and whatnot too.
- Comment on According to Dexerto Ayaneo next handheld is going to use SteamOS 1 year ago:
Lmk if you happen to need any help with it, I’m no expert but would love to lend a hand!
- Comment on According to Dexerto Ayaneo next handheld is going to use SteamOS 1 year ago:
Bazzite is great, I’ve used it for a good while and it’s never let me down. Have it on my deck right now, in fact!
- Comment on [Discussion] Steam Autumn sale is live! What are you buying to llay on your deck? 1 year ago:
I wholeheartedly recommend Synth Riders if you’re into rhythm games!
- Comment on What are the games featured in the Steam Deck OLED video? 1 year ago:
Yup, iirc it has skateboards, inline skates and biking and you can change between them
- Comment on What reviews didn't say about the Steam Deck OLED 1 year ago:
Yeah I feel you there, wish they’d expand a bit more. Maybe more like Japan, partnering with retail stores and whatnot.
Sincerely, a Brazilian who had to shell out basically a whole other deck in ridiculous import fees. In my case I’d be fucked either way though, unless they magically decided to start assembling them here or something lol.
- Comment on One click start VM, using Bazzite. 1 year ago:
Impractical or not, I love the idea! Actually just installed Bazzite earlier today myself, pretty nifty all around.
- Comment on downloads in standby mode 1 year ago:
I’m not 100% sure about lock screen behavior since I don’t have one set myself but I know it doesn’t go to sleep as long as you keep it in the downloads page and it still has pending downloads, so I’d guess the same applies there.
- Comment on Waydroid on Bazzite 1 year ago:
I should probably add that I haven’t really daily driven an immutable OS yet, so this isn’t from extensive experience or anything.
I’m big on trying to keep my system separate from userspace and also making my environment as reproducible as possible. I enjoy using Ansible and Nix-based environments to get some degree of that in more traditional distros, an immutable system would give me an extra layer of predictability I appreciate. I’m also a developer, so I enjoy having containerized development environments, which lends itself well to a stable base I don’t have to worry about. Plus, like you mentioned, updates being more solid and reliable, often reversible, is always appreciated.
That all said, I totally get that for your average user none of that may mean much and that’s fair game. - Comment on Waydroid on Bazzite 1 year ago:
I’ve been looking for an immutable, gaming ready distribution for a while and taking a closer look at bazzite it just might fit the bill perfectly! I don’t even mean only for the deck necessarily, strongly considering replacing the Nobara install on my main PC and see how well it handles my NVIDIA card 🤔
- Comment on Top 20 Steam Deck games of August 2023, by hours played 1 year ago:
Yup, never ceases to amaze me! If with no context you’d described to me everything the game throws at you, I’d straight up think it’d never work but, amazingly, it all somehow fits together nicely. Hell, the base roguelike + management sim premise is wild enough on its own lol.
Very much looking forward to whatever they come up with next! - Comment on Top 20 Steam Deck games of August 2023, by hours played 1 year ago:
I’ve been happily adding to Dave the Diver’s numbers, such a perfect fit! Pretty interesting list all around, definitely some surprises in there.