- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
Hmm, maybe on a higher difficulty? I have mostly played normal, but enemies pretty consistently stayed around 3-4 shots from small bullets and 1-2 from big bullets all the way up. Bosses take a little more, but they generally still make sense to take that many and don’t feel wrong. Cyberpsychos of course can take more, but they are practically at a point where they will keep coming no matter how many limbs they lose, so it makes sense that they would take alot of bullets to stop.
I’ll have to try a playthrough on higher difficulties now, the last time I did was when tech snipers did like 100k damage, so I had to play on higher difficulty to not one-shot bosses. They are more reasonable now, like 10k or so at peak.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
Yeah, it definitely had some bugs, even on PC, but it wasn’t like a bethesda game or anything. It was playable, but it is so much better now.
- Comment on Gaming 2024 5 months ago:
VR desktop streamers, do the same thing but optionally in multimonitor 4k and don’t have to look at our hands the whole time. Also can play on a recliner comfortably. My neck is in so much better shape since I started using my VR headset to stream instead of a phone or other handheld. Plus the screens are 20 feet away, nice on the eyes. And still take up 80 degrees of my field of view. Not sure what effective size that makes them, but it’s bigger and nicer looking than a theatre screen.
- Comment on The next No Man’s Sky update makes the game lonelier — and more dangerous 9 months ago:
It’s worth it, the game is actually one of the best space games ever now. In a genre that is pretty hard to be best in. So many amazing choices for space games. I’d argue the games is almost as good now as people thought it was gonna be before it released, hehe.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 had “a bit” of crunch, as director claims that will “always” be the case to get games finished 9 months ago:
Well, “always” as long as release day culture persists. So it’s entirely up to marketing. We certainly have the technology for the whole world to know a game is “close” without knowing when it will actually be done, only to know within an hour that it was surprise launched with no announcement. If that was the normal way stuff was done, it wouldn’t take long for everything to get used to that way of doing things and the support structures will spring up naturally around it.
- Comment on China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing 11 months ago:
Is it? I get that china is “the bad guy”, but does that automatically mean everything china does is intended to hurt the US? Or did they just want to help themselves? Just because the US wasn’t in a position to handle it happening, doesn’t retroactively make it an intentional attack.
The whole point of mass producing something is to make the process more efficient, which lowers the cost. They also hurt themselves if they accidentally end up oversupplying in the process, as then the price is lowered by a higher ratio than their savings on manufacturing costs.
- Comment on why am I told that I'm a child on the internet?? I'm 20!! 1 year ago:
So, in conclusion “I like typing cute like a child, but why do people think I’m a child when they see how I type and have no other information about me to go on?”. Is that basically your question?
- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
Wait… what do your nails look like? Maybe you are not ok?
- Comment on Why are there circles of melted snow on this icy pond? 1 year ago:
Ice doesn’t form with even thickness naturally, when it warms back up outside, the thinner parts melt faster, and it kind of snowballs due to currents created and stuff like that. So even if the thin areas didn’t start out that much thinner, they end up melting way faster anyway.
- Comment on Why people say good morning (or something like that) on chat after a night? 1 year ago:
Reading a bit into “ended improperly”, one possibility of them saying good morning could be if after they stopped talking late at night you still added 10 or so more messages in a row. Hehe. I used to get that alot. Basically both sincere and sarcastic at the same time. To let you know they are awake now and caught up on your continued posts after they fell asleep, as well as poke a bit of fun that you maybe missed a “too subtle for us” hint that the other person was going to sleep before you kept posting.
- Comment on When not thinking about it, do you notice your blinking? 1 year ago:
If I’m tired or had bad sleep the night before, blinking can make my whole view kinda wobble. So I notice it then without previously thinking about it. But otherwise no not really. I have to at least be thinking of it somewhat to notice it.
- Comment on BG3 compared to desktop 1 year ago:
Steam deck can also use the mouse and keyboard UI. And PC can use the gamepad UI. That seems to be the difference you are talking about. It auto switches interface based on what you touched last, so you just need to setup mouse controls on your steam deck, lots of options for how you want to do that. Touchscreen, trackpad, a key combination to activate mouse mode on one track pad and another combination or the same one to turn it back off, plugging a physical mouse in… I’m sure there is more, but either way, one of those should get you the mouse and keyboard UI on steam deck.