- Comment on Netflix is starting to phase out its cheapest ad-free plan 8 months ago:
These things are so frustrating, because it’s so clearly inevitable, but so many people always insist it won’t happen. Again and again.
- Comment on Adobe overhauls terms of service to say it won’t train AI on customers’ work 9 months ago:
Yeesh, they really dove into that with both feet eh?
- Comment on Adobe overhauls terms of service to say it won’t train AI on customers’ work 9 months ago:
Was that the concern, though? I thought the controversy was that they intended to moderate people’s projects. Or did they walk that back too once they renounced the reason for that policy (I.e., training AI)?
- Comment on Microsoft Gaming CEO: “I think we should have a handheld, too” 9 months ago:
You absolutely aren’t wrong there.
- Comment on Microsoft Gaming CEO: “I think we should have a handheld, too” 9 months ago:
Always in favour of healthy competition.
- Comment on Micro LED monitors connect like puzzle pieces in HP multi-monitor concept 9 months ago:
Even if that’s the case, we can do flexible micro LED panels, I imagine it wouldn’t be a stretch to integrate that here.
- Comment on AI products like ChatGPT much hyped but not much used, study says 9 months ago:
To address your last point, there have been continual improvements in making LLMs more efficient as well. While I definitely couldn’t run GPT4 on my local machine, I can get decently close to something like 3.5-turbo, which would’ve been unheard of only a year or two ago.
And from the sounds of it, GPT-4o is another big step in efficiency (though it’s hard to say for certain).
- Comment on Senate study proposes 'at least' $32B yearly for AI programs 10 months ago:
Would you rather the USA fall behind on what is likely to be one of the biggest global industries of the 2020s?
Like, it’s totally cool if the answer is yes, but like… AI is a big deal whether we like it or not.
- Comment on Mozilla finds that most dating apps are not great guardians of user data 11 months ago:
This seems obvious, but just like any obvious fact, it’s good to have data to back it up.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reiterates his tabs-versus-spaces stance with a kernel trap 11 months ago:
That said, I do think a lot of newbies think it’s “Tabs”, which fuels a not-insignificant portion of this debate.
- Comment on MIT License text becomes viral “sad girl” piano ballad generated by AI 11 months ago:
Mildly infuriating that the song cuts off before the end, but good otherwise.
- Comment on It's surprisingly difficult for AI to create just a plain white image 11 months ago:
Absolutely. Hearing the way people interact with LLMs as if they are an all-knowing AGI is honestly a bit terrifying at times. Hopefully the longer these systems are in the mainstream, the better people get a sense of the boundaries.
- Comment on It's surprisingly difficult for AI to create just a plain white image 11 months ago:
Definitely worth noting, yeah.
- Comment on Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment 11 months ago:
Never in a million years would I buy always-online trash when I could just use Home Assistant and control my devices locally.
- Comment on It's surprisingly difficult for AI to create just a plain white image 11 months ago:
It’s actually surprisingly difficult to ask for an absence of anything, since the training data doesn’t normally include what isn’t in the image.
I think they call it the Giraffe Problem or something like that. If you ask an AI for “an image containing no giraffes,” you’ll end up with a bunch of giraffes. It’s all about how the training data is tagged.
- Comment on Michael Cohen loses court motion after lawyer cited AI-invented cases 1 year ago:
I wonder how the judge would react if a lawyer just blatantly made up cases to back their argument. Whatever punishment - or lack thereof - for that should apply the same here, imo.
- Comment on Formula 1 chief appalled to find team using Excel to manage 20,000 car parts 1 year ago:
Totally fine as long as they don’t have 1,048,577 parts.
- Comment on Michael Cohen loses court motion after lawyer cited AI-invented cases 1 year ago:
It’s crazy to me that punishments aren’t being doled out in these cases. Like, this strikes me as more than a simple “oopsie.” This is gross negligence at best.
- Comment on The AI wars heat up with Claude 3, claimed to have “near-human” abilities 1 year ago:
They all claim to have “near-human” abilities.
- Comment on ‘Dune: Part Two’ First Reactions: Rave Reviews Topped By Critic Who Claims, “It’s The Definitive Sci-Fi Epic Of A Generation” 1 year ago:
I’m heckin’ excited.
- Comment on We have seen 20 minutes of 'Dune II' with Villeneuve and we have good news: the expectation is more than justified 1 year ago:
This, but unironically.
- Comment on Is there a way to see user likes and dislikes on lemmy? 1 year ago:
Ouch, that sounds like a painful way to live. I’m sorry to hear that.
- Comment on Dune Part Two Character Posters 1 year ago:
Damn, Feyd really do be looking like Feyd.
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
Depends - who is the “we” in the question?
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
Dude,I don’t mean to be rude, but you might legitimately need to see a therapist. This sounds worryingly like schizophrenia to me.
- Comment on My PDF reader REALLY HAD to add a permanent "AI assistant" button that floats on every single file i open 1 year ago:
I used to use Foxit for the longest time, but Firefox’s pdf reader has improved so much lately that I actually prefer it.