- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
have you tried within the last year?
the 2.0 update completely revamped the skill and cyberware systems!
bulletsponges are also less of a thing now, and rarity levels and loot have been reworked as well.
there’s now native cosmetic armor, so you can finally wear drip without compromising on armor stats and such without mods!
lots of other QoL and general improvements!
if you haven’t played since the 2.0 update, i highly recommend giving it another shot!
it really feels like a very different game now, but with the same story and feel
(bulletsponges are less of a thing due to the skills rework, mostly; it’s borderline impossible to have trash dmg output due to poor skill choices/combos now. basically all perk paths now improve damage fairly consistently, instead of having certain paths way more powerful than others. skills are also less often boring '+X" and more focused on giving immediate improvements/abilities. any weapon choice is perfectly viable now, without having to plan out some ridiculous, borderline PoE style build from level 1; you can now just pick whatever path you like!
…but enemies in the very beginning might feel slightly bulletspongy, although less than pre 2.0! that quickly disappears after the first few levels when you get your first major boosts from skills/cyberware!)
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
for sci-fi RPGs this is currently the best available, period.
there are other good, even great ones, but CP2077 takes top spot, and quite easily.
“they lied already”
…and then spent 3 years delivering nothing but excellency, reworking major parts of the game, improving QoL features, listening to community feedback, adding many often-requested features, and being all around excellent devs.
but they didn’t live up to expectations ONE TIME, so now they’re bad forever.
seriously…get over yourself; you ARE missing out on a great experience!
if you’re sceptical, which is, despite what i wrote above, fair, wait for a major discount (easter is next on steam, i think) and get it at like -70% off.
try it out for less than 2h (that’s the cutoff for a steam refund), and see if you like it.
but don’t do this dogmatic “if things are bad once they are forever bad” thing. it keeps you from seeing how things evolve over time, and specifically keeps you from seeing improvement over time.