- Comment on Microsoft just delayed Recall again 3 months ago:
It’s the most highly optimised software available for consumer computers. Much easier when you support a very limited set of devices which you have compete hardware control over.
It is UNIX so very similar to using Linux when you use a terminal.
The UI is very polished and very stable. MacOS has not changed how the UI works or feels in a long time, during which windows and Linux (gnome/kde) have changed a lot. Both becoming more like MacOS. macOS has changed a little mostly features and styling.
It has wide support, including support for priority programs that Linux does not. Apple appears and feels like they respect user privacy much better than Windows. You feel like you paid for the product and you are the customer. Unlike windows, where you pay to be exploited for data harvesting to the real customer advertisers. Apple is in many ways in between windows and Linux. Not as free and open, but not as exploitive and limited as windows. It’s a common misconception that MacOS is somehow locked down or walled off, it’s less locked down and walled off than windows. But like Linux it requires some terminal know how.
- Comment on Microsoft Copilot has been banned for use by US House staff members, at least for now 10 months ago:
All it does it create answers that sound like they might be correct. It has no working cognition. People that ask questions like that expect a conversation about probability and days in a year. All it does is combine the two, it can’t think about it.
- Comment on Microsoft Copilot has been banned for use by US House staff members, at least for now 10 months ago:
It’s probably just the novelty wearing off. People expected very little from it initially, then it got hyped up. This raised expectations. Combining the raised expectations with the memory of it exceeding expectations will let you see all the flaws.
- Comment on Microsoft Copilot has been banned for use by US House staff members, at least for now 10 months ago:
If all auditors are uncorrupted, highly competent and have full overview. Boeing was able to corrupt it’s government auditors to save some money on redundant sensors. With Microsoft pushing big on gathering and selling data I wouldn’t trust a byte that passes their server.
- Comment on Epic explains why it hasn't sued Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft over 30% fee 1 year ago:
They only need one big win. If they manage that, the rest would be much easier. As arguments will have been made and ruled. They can refer to the case against Google as precedent, making the subsequent court cases short, cheaper and/or not be necessary. If Google loses apple, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo will all examine changing policy or settling any disagreements earlier.