- Comment on How one unexpected game (Nier Automata) changed the Steam Deck forever 11 months ago:
I’ve made it close to the end of Witcher 3 and loved every minute of it, I just got obsessed with factorio at the time and kinda stopped playing lol. Completely agree that the story is absolutely amazing in that game, the characters are awesome and even side quest stories are very well done, let alone the main quest stories.
Automata is better than that IMO and that’s not a slight against Witcher, Nier is just that good when it comes to the story.
It ran at a steady 60 FPS / 1080p for me on my ancient GTX 970 / i7 4790k when I first played it so the steam deck should be more than enough to play the game.
- Comment on How one unexpected game (Nier Automata) changed the Steam Deck forever 11 months ago:
Nier Automata has, IMO, the best story to exist in game format. Gameplay itself isn’t anything special but it’s fun enough to keep you engaged, but the story is the real reason to play this game.
Can’t recommend this game enough.