- Comment on new rule 1 year ago:
This is why we have grammar.
- Comment on BBC presenter apologises after giving middle finger at start of live broadcast 1 year ago:
Didn’t see it mentioned in the wiki. When the middle finger was gaining popularity, during the 80’s in my circles, using the middle finger folded in half was a thing mentioned. I guess with the description in the wiki that makes sense as it infers that the person being insult has a tiny dick. I remember someone mentioning it was a Greek insult, but never knew it had a history. TIL.
Now I get spammed by a hundred Greeks telling me they have never heard of it. :) In my defence, we had no internet when I was young. There was no way to check on BS Vs fact.
- Comment on Yes it's a tragedy but making this level of spectacle out of it is creepy as fuck 1 year ago:
The BBC likes to tow the government line. Sunak has his MPs snapping at his heals and Johnson has been giving evidence with the covid inquiry. Anything to take the eye off the ball. Any other time and this would not even get a mention because it actually shames the government. Just not as badly as the other instances I mentioned.
- Comment on Russian spies targeting UK MPs and media with ‘cyber interference’ | Politics 1 year ago:
Johnson told the Electoral commission not to investigate Russian interference in the Brexit vote. Johnson who had top clearance on all of the UK security policies. The same guy who gave his security detail the slip so he could go party with FSB agents shortly after a NATO meeting regarding the Russians poisoning UK citizens. The Tory party machine gave a Lord the title of Lord of Siberia along with access to the house.
I am not very good with dot to dot, I wonder where the issue may be coming from?
- Comment on Daily Mail events firm is given £500k government contract to run UK COP28 events 1 year ago:
You’re literally asserting that an events company is not allowed to work for COP
BS I am repeating what is stated in the article. They are using public funds to pay a subsidiary of the Daily Mail. Which is an ardent Tory media machine. They are enforcing this payment without public scrutiny. If there is a valid reason for doing this, then be open about it. But like all Tory theft, they like to hide the details.
It tried to connect two different events (COP 28 and an oil event listed in their annual report) and claim some sort of nefarious link.
The fact also remains that there has been a lot of unanswered speculation regarding the president Sultan al-Jaber, who has major links to DMG events LLC. DMG events LLC hired Johnson to host a speech Singapore. Failing to allow for scrutiny in the tender process is not absolute proof of wrong doing, but it raises eye brows from anyone with a brain.…/cop28-host-uae-oil-plans-data
Sultan Al Jaber is the chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) and president of the Cop28 summit, which begins on 30 November. The researchers behind the new data said Adnoc’s huge planned expansion of oil and gas production was a clear conflict of interest and they said his position was “ridiculous”.
they have no role in the design of the UK pavilion events programme. The cost of the contract is covered entirely by private sector sponsorship.”
I never stated that DMG had anything to do with the presentation side of the event. I do not see a point here.
You’re right to be sceptical with this government. You’re absolutely wrong to not even try to seek the truth.
Here we both agree. This government is an abomination. There is nothing to be gained from pushing a lie, because once a lie is found out, then all other queries regarding this government can have their validity questioned. I am happy to admit I have made an error if there is one. I am fairly confident that this will be another item that Labour will put under the spotlight after the next GE. Time will tell.
- Comment on Daily Mail events firm is given £500k government contract to run UK COP28 events 1 year ago:
Mate what do you think they are doing for £500k. They are supplying a table and a couple of bodies for support. They are not paying for transport, or even hotel room hire. If they were having to pay for the lease of the event office, which is unlikely, how much do you think this is? It is not a great deal. Someone is pocketing a few hundred thousand from this.
The tender was not allowed to go to any other supplier. That in itself raises questions of why they are refusing to follow accepted guidelines. They have very close links to oil companies, which means the oil companies will have an influence on position and effectiveness of each group. Energy companies do not want an effective COP event.
All of this and yet you want to throw in inuendo and derision. Defending these scumbags is a pitiful hill to die on.
- Comment on Daily Mail events firm is given £500k government contract to run UK COP28 events 1 year ago:
About 15 food banks.
- Comment on Daily Mail events firm is given £500k government contract to run UK COP28 events 1 year ago:
Its just half a million quid. I suppose it is a lot less than they have paid in bribes to others.
- Daily Mail events firm is given £500k government contract to run UK COP28 ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Digital pound should not be considered until risks addressed, MPs warn 1 year ago:
Charge negative interest rates? How do you think that will affect the banking sector.
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
id imagine shes there
This just about sums it up. Its all a mind game, and you fell for it.
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
And again what is Sunak’s role. Does she over rule him ?
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
So asking the question of why she is in this post is unreasonable? Isn’t the PM supposed to be the voice of reason in government, or what is he being paid for.
- Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Labour vows to ‘rewire Britain’ as pylon plans spark row in Tory party 1 year ago:
Unless you are prepared to move HVDC the costs are immense for moving AC cabling under the sea. The reason we use pylons is be cause there is a massive energy drain if you place cables in the ground over long distances. This problem is near doubled in losses if you place the cables in water.
Can’t MPs learn a little about search engines. We have kids getting smarter every generation because they have such good access to information, and yet some MPs are still stuck in the middle ages.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Exhibit number 1 my lord.
If we need athletes who excel in sadness at the next Olympics, I will put your name forward.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Mate you deleted your comments. There is nothing to discuss.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
No true, you never made pompous, demeaning better than thou comments at all. Meanwhile all your original statements have been edited/deleted. Truly sad attempt to push a Tory narrative.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Your link says nothing about improving outcomes of existing secondary school children just that they attend school more. The two are not directly linked, the worst children often have the highest attendance and are often the first ones there and the last to leave as their home life is so bad.
What gibberish is this? Can you back this up with any evidence? Kids attending school is a benefit. To state anything other than that is beyond crass. I left school without any qualifications at all. I got my qualifications after leaving home. I actively avoided scrutiny at school because it is embarrassing to be forced into confronting the situation I was living in. Again you have absolutely no idea.
You declared these people poor when you stated
Other parents manage it in the same area, same backgrounds.
Equating prison with expelling kids to behavioural schools is just pathetic as well.
I did not. I stated that some find it acceptable to avoid the issue by locking people up. There is a prevalent attitude to penalise being poor and needy. Where as robbing the country of millions is acceptable and something we should support. Imagine how people would be helped by the money Michelle Mone grabbed from the tax payer.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
Other parents manage it in the same area
What a pathetic privileged attitude to have. Some people have no issues in life at all. Being born to the right parents should not be a metric for the benefits you receive in society. You really have no idea the problems some have to face.
I grew up in a deprived area. Both my parents were alcoholics. I grew up learning how to survive the hard way. But I got a lucky break early on. I have paid my way since I was 20 and retired on my own cash at 55. My kids have absolutely no idea what that sort of life entails. This idea that you can put people down because they lost out on the genetic lottery is incredibly insulting.
It is easy to throw a dishonest person into prison and ignore the issue. What a lot do not realise is that honesty comes with security. A lot of people cannot afford to be honest, because they are struggling just to live. To break this cycle, it takes commitment from government to educate and facilitate that move away from this. Something sadly lacking from today’s government, and the people who support them.
As for your comments regrading UBI. I see you provide nothing to back that claim up. Let me help you.
Investing in society makes everyone richer. There are a huge amount of studies that prove this. Accepting that some people are just not worth the effort is a very small minded selfish attitude to have. Instead of believing the crap that the Tory media promote do some research.
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
While this is all true, and I agree that it is a big part of it, the lack of actual consequences for the worst behaved kids at schools is why schools are struggling. You used to be able to properly expel children instead you now exclude, and unless its exceptional circumstances you have to take them back if no other school will take them.
We had poor houses not long before this also. People are expected to hold 2 jobs just to live these days. You cannot work long hours and look after kids at the same time. It is this sort of selfish attitude that has empowered the Tories to push the standards as far as we see now. We don’t need a race to the bottom.
- Comment on King’s estate to transfer £100m into ethical funds after bona vacantia revelations 1 year ago:
Sorry? I don’t think I made any claims over area.
- Comment on King’s estate to transfer £100m into ethical funds after bona vacantia revelations 1 year ago:
One is too many imo. They milk the country for enough money as it is.
- Comment on King’s estate to transfer £100m into ethical funds after bona vacantia revelations 1 year ago:
As per article only in Lancashire and Cornwall.
The adjective infers that the area affected is significantly small.
- Comment on King’s estate to transfer £100m into ethical funds after bona vacantia revelations 1 year ago:
And you find this ok because?
- Comment on King’s estate to transfer £100m into ethical funds after bona vacantia revelations 1 year ago:
Wasn’t even aware this went to the crown. A very good reason why we need transparency with incomes.