I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.
- Comment on Paramount+ unskipabble ads 1 year ago:
I really want to be able to read this and know wtf it means. I have so much skill to up.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
You were the superstar cool kid! I bet you’re just as cool, now bud.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
Hey man, that’s one of your secret superpowers!
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
There’s always that one sibling that you pass the controller to, who can easily do the thing, like it’s nothing, and you have been trying for hours. Also, I was born 1977 too! We had an Atari, tho. I spent full days on that thing trying to get that big block of attacking aliens down to none.
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
I came here to say this too, but I did that thing where you look to see if someone else has said it. Hi, my people! I would sell my soul for this to become a thing.