Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
- Comment on A guide on streaming games from Linux Desktop to deck without being logged in 6 months ago:
This is honestly great. I’m wondering what the performance is like?
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
People this angry about tend to also be the people who fail to actually include their apartment number in the order and then your pizza goes back to dominos because your dumbass didn’t answer the phone.
Sorry I had to call because you, the customer, fucked up.
- Comment on Why is anti-cheat always client-side? 1 year ago:
Couldn’t the server just check what vision a player should have and not provide any other information to prevent wallhacks or maphacks?
Definitely not how that works. The server has no idea how to tell how the GPU on the client-side is rendering anything. The server is just doing server things, which definitely doesn’t include data on the “vision” of each player. There’s a lot less data being transferred than you assume here.
All of these are way easier to detect client-side, because client-side you can actually check the code that is running.
A server that checked all the code that is running would be a very, very slow game. Like imagine a chess game where it took five minutes for a move to register after making a move. Servers focus mostly on “player state” like, where are they, what direction are they looking, what direction are they moving, what buttons they are pressing, and a lot less on checking the code of the remote player. Once again, because checking literally every players code remotely would slow everything way the fuck down.
- Comment on Your evil deeds may be causing Baldur's Gate 3 bugs 1 year ago:
Ah, the ol “kill literally anyone and everyone you can interact with” playthrough.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
You can go all Elon Musk and start using arbitrary measurements like “unregretted user minutes” to lean on for your opinions, and then your opinions can appear just as valid as anyone elses.
Remember, you can prove anything with statistics.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Not true, they don’t need to know, but they want to know because they like avoiding risk.
Fuck that, make business risky again!
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
That’s so sad, you weren’t even doing a “No tip” just a “reduced tip.” Like, isn’t that how tipping is supposed to work?
I’ve faced it too, coworkers would tell me things like “we have a spray bottle with water so you can look like you’re sweating and working really hard and more likely to get tips.” Cool, because gaslighting people for money isn’t fraudulent or scammy at all??
The entitlement is crazy. I remember literally arguing “it’s not their responsibility to cover the gaps in our pay that our employer refuses to cover” and them acting like I was crazy to expect our employer to pay us a living wage when we could be raking in cash from tips.
Seriously, the tips were insane, but it wasn’t enough for these people. We could be getting enough in tips to be making $30+/hour each night, but apparently that’s not enough and entirely the responsibility of the people who come to our restaurant.
Yeah, I’m pretty convinced that the worst tipping culture comes from the people who act like not getting a tip is fucking blaspheme that should be punished by God himself.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
These are obvious troll questions, not thoughtful, well considered questions.
Thus no respect.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
“I came for an argument!”
“Oh. Oh, I’m sorry this is abuse. Arguments are just down the hall.”
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
With all due respect (read: none), if they are the one speaking about their own troubles, their judgment about their own personal situation does trump your own.
Further, human relationships being boiled down to “whose judgment trumps whose” exposes your entire argument for its purpose: which is to allow you to dominate others and tell them they are “wrong” for feeling ways. Exactly the thing you are complaining of happening to you. Conversations are not attempts to dominate one another, and your view of conversations as an argument to be “won” reveals why no one likes your company.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
As someone who has done tipped labor before: the bigger problem is the entitlement of the people who come to expect tips and negatively judge anyone who doesn’t.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
Ok, who told Elon Musk about Lemmy?
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
It’s always been this way and yes they do.
In the 50’s, women artists were literally expected to hide their partners. Dolly Parton famously got married against the wishes of her managers/producers, because she was a bad bitch who wasn’t going to be pushed around and denied her own life. She was a rarity at the time.
The number of OF models who have boyfriends who never appear on cam is high. This isn’t new for women in porn, this has pretty much how it has always operated. Men don’t like their fantasy being destroyed by pesky details like a boyfriend.
In Kpop its definitely still a thing, and it seems like the young male fans flip the fuck out when they find out one of the women they’re idolizing already has a boyfriend.
It’s capitalism, baby. It teaches young men that human relationships are a financial transaction and nothing more. They absolutely do think the money they spend means something, even if they aren’t an outright Incel.
Many of them will end up furious eventually, once it becomes clear they will never make it anywhere with this woman.