- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 4 months ago:
Because the team that headlines with this guy giving bis to microphones and bragging about sexual assault is worried how things look.
- Comment on GTA 6 may "disappoint" players hoping for a technological "jump", says former Rockstar North tech director 7 months ago:
4 and 5 were both designed for the same console, and that console was released in 2005 - only 2 years after Vice City.
6 is being designed for consoles 2 generations and 7 years separated from GTA 5’s release. It better be better.
- Comment on Police pulled over a Waymo car that drove in the oncoming lane in Phoenix 8 months ago:
Yeah, I can mail a ticket to the address on file for a company, but half the time they’re isn’t even a mailbox. I recently sent a letter to every commercial property owner in the city, and over 60% of them for returned as undeliverable.
- Comment on Police pulled over a Waymo car that drove in the oncoming lane in Phoenix 8 months ago:
Which company is that? The car is probably owned by an LLC based out of a different state, so you have to track down the formation documents there to find the owning company, only to find it’s membership is another LLC in a different state, and so on for 90 levels of bullshit.
I do code enforcement on commercial properties and it can take 50 hours and thousands of dollars in research to figure out who the responsible party is.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Funny thing is I’m terrified of spelunking, but actively working towards being certified for cave diving.
Fill it with water and I’m interested!
I think part of it is that I can’t get stuck as easily with scuba gear strapped on my back, and I don’t have to worry about gravity fucking me over.
And I’ll never go anywhere that requires squeezing my fat ass through a crack.
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Same ones who said COVID would magically disappear right after the 2020 election.
- Comment on Fallout TV Show - Trailer 1 year ago:
There’s a 30-year time skip, but the characters are the same.
- Comment on High Art 🧐🎩 1 year ago:
It was a Taxi Driver remake that licensed a DC character instead of paying Scorsese. It was solidly okay.
But Phoenix 100% earned the Oscar with it.