- Comment on Could we send electric data across time? 1 year ago:
Even wormholes break causality. Doesn’t matter the method, folding space, black holes, if you can arrive at a destination faster that light thru normal space can get there, you can only if things before they occurred.
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
I suspect some people get put on a list. I know most business will go out of their way though to assist if someone is not mobile.
- Comment on What happens when you try to buy a $1M domain? 1 year ago:
No. Actually they don’t. Nor would they use a credit card to make these kinds of transactions because the fees are too high to the buyer. Or more correct, the buyer would tack on a surcharge to use a credit card. Might use a credit card to put down a deposit but that is about it.
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
No wonder prices are increasing and people wages are not keeping up. These costs are transferred directly to consumer and there is no way around that.
- Comment on I hate that I am become this person but: are delivery drivers just allowed to call and say 'please come and meet me' now? 1 year ago:
I suspect prices will go up if every able bodied person does this. If you instruct you are not mobile then they can accommodate I am sure but for efficiency it would make sense if those that are able do a bit to make it easy will allow for prices to stay less pressured to increase.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
Except then if he is not working full time, then is just extra money to him. Isn’t after a living wage is he so justifying some extravagant wage that people that do support families and have full time positions need.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
All jobs are needed from banking to Street cleaners. Not all jobs are equal and pay reflects that. And many jobs are simply extra for those not after living wages. It is silly to think that a 16 living at homes needs enough money to pay for rent of his own place plus all utilities plus all food and boarding. Get serious.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
You are such a witty person. Seriously that is really witty. I never heard anyone suggest fax before. Where did you develop that skill or come up with such a novel expression? Do you get to say that often? It must be a real exciting moment when you can fit that into a conversation?
So many questions.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
Not a boomer but not all jobs are valuable enough not do they need to be to be paid a living wage. Your 16yo babysitter doesn’t need to be paid a living wage while she lives at home. It is goofy how people think like this.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
You do realize this is still a job and it still exists or is it not important enough for your to consider it one?
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
Minimum wage in 1975 was around 2 dollars and many rentals are two rooms or more. Grocery store may have averaged higher as most included meat cutters on prepared products and I bet that includes management. The shelve stocker likely getting 2 dollars an hour.
Ya let us value that the same as a guy working in a mine or someone developing software. Get serious people. We are paying to subsidize someone to work at Walmart is because we choose to do this. And why wouldn’t a person want to work a higher value job if the government is willing to top them up to a higher rate?
- Comment on How do I make myself smarter? 1 year ago:
Critical thinking is the new term for common sense but it does apply.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
There are a great number of jobs that pay a living wage. Working on a convenience store or Walmart does not need to be one.
And a living wage does not mean you should be able to live alone with your own kitchen and bathroom without roommates. Something past generations certainly need to do. Those single member working families that were paid s high wages typically worked in a mine or a higher paid job. No one could work at the convenience store and support a family alone.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
Lots of jobs fully need a living wage and are for spare cash mainly. Your son delivering papers certainly doesn’t. I think we need to evaluate in that some.